these days,i am urged by a buyers for his requirements of some goods,the amount is not very large,no more than 500 US dollars.
it is a international demands,and my job is dealing with international needs,so i worked on it.
while locating suppliers,a kind woman told me that this inquiry was asked by a dozen persons,really a surprise!
what is wrong with our working methods?
maybe the salers should emphasize what they can produce and what they do not supply.
and maybe the buyers should find some really professional manufactory suppliers,or seems professional.
to tell the other you can supply anything he/she need,and to tell the other anything you need but he/she doesn't supply,is such a disgusting thing for each other,isn't it!
however,things comes as,the supplier are trying the best to meet with the buyers needs with the feeling of not been trusted,and the buyers are hoping to get something useful and worthy from a supplier who was not trusted.
what a awful feeling!
both are feeling hurted and both are hurting each other,both are killed between when getting in touch with each other,who can survived at the end!