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    How To Setup An Import Business
    瀏覽量:198 | 回復(fù):0 | 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-02-28 16:03:40

    In the early nineteen eighties, one of the most popular things in Soviet Russia was American made blue jeans. Exporters made money hand over fist selling American made products to the East. Now, twenty years later, we have seen the fall of communism in many cold war countries. This has opened the door to the import export companies to make handsome profits by moving goods from one continent to another.

    Take advantage of world politics today and start your own import export business. Are you organized, efficient, and ready to make your future in an opportunity all your own? Import Export Business Opportunities are expanding and there is room for you 
    The sale must come first .Your first concern in starting a buy-and-sell business is to make sure you have a market. A market is a potential buyer of your goods. Once you have that market, concentrate on selling. Making sales is priority number 1. Spending is easy. Anyone with money can spend it with little effort. Spending is like swimming downstream. Collecting is upstream.

    The trick or art of making profit is a two-step operation: Buy right--that is, buy low; Sell high. The profoundest truths are the simplest. How we put together the purchase, while having a very good knowledge of how the market is selling, will determine the amount of profit. To import and sell at auctions like eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, etc you must know your market.

    Imports are very easy to sell as the amount of competition is usually greatly reduced. This Section will convince you that imported items will be easy for you to sell. There are good reasons for this. Relative to domestic products, foreign goods tend to be lower in cost. They are often unique, even exotic. These factors allow you to mark them up higher than domestic products; this markup means bigger profits for you.

    The quality of your goods builds good profit. If your greatest ambition is to sell a dozen units from a table at a swap meet, you needn't read further. If, like most, you dream of becoming rich, casting off worries forever, this International Traders system can help you become that prosperous person. International Traders will expose you to factories or export brokers. (Some factories deal through brokers when they lack their own facilities for exporting.) You will be dealing with the original source, cutting out all middlemen--truly buying below wholesale. International Traders takes no commission on the deals you set up with foreign suppliers. You will keep all the profits.

    Suppliers' low markup mandates high quantity deals naturally; an original product source cannot survive for long selling a few small orders. Their profit may be as low as 5% of sales. They must sell in large quantities to prosper. You should also strive to sell in large quantities to achieve your ultimate goal of becoming wealthy. There is a seeming contradiction here because of short-term vs. long-term planning. Short-term, you should avoid large quantities until you have conducted your market survey and test ad. Once you are convinced your product is sure-fire, long-term logic will urge you to deal in the largest quantities you can handle.

    Do not make the mistake of foregoing big quantity deals because you lack the capital. That is no excuse. Anyone who has a favorable market survey, or a firm order, can raise capital. Investors are hungry for a sure-fire business deal that can bring a big return on their money. Bankers readily lend money for stock when you can show a money-making projection. Actually, you can make more money by borrowing than otherwise. Why? Because you will also mark up the cost of borrowing (interest) just as you do other product costs, thus netting a bigger profit.

    New products sell best, and imports sell better. Do you ever pick up an item and say to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?" Such a product is a natural, something so obviously useful you wonder why it did not show up before. One such item can make you rich. Along with "new" is the concept of "unique", the item that is handcrafted by a remote Indian tribe, an item not copied or simulated in a factory. This may be an article that has been carved, woven or handmade; that is distinctive in color, design or use. Many buyers simply cannot resist a native artifact, no matter how primitive.

    You can sell your import items at your own web site, often for more money, than at an online auction. Following are some face-to-face methods of selling, commonly called "direct selling". These methods will involve you in varying degrees of personal contact, so a natural starting point for such sales is with family and friends. These are simple ways to get you started. Of course, you will not expect to continue selling to family and friends forever. You will want to move on to bigger and better ways of direct selling. Increase your margin of profit by selling at flea markets. In recent years, these have been respectable and permanent. Sidewalks, parking lots, outdoor theaters and inner-city buildings have become part-time or full-time retail outlets. Used articles and inexpensive lines of new goods (many imports such as tools, clothing and electronics) are displayed in profusion at apparently bargain prices. Outdoor shopping at swap meets is fun, making them popular for family outings on holidays and weekends and like this keep your work going on.

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