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    VIT LOGISTICS S L survey report

    Company Type:Buyer Update Time:2025-02-26 America, All year 2017 Buyer Transaction record 1 item

    HScode 1

    Times 1

    Amount 0

    Parters 1

    Report:Analysis of market price 、trade partners chart、origin chart、loading、discharge chart and transaction details. It also provides company address contacts(Telephone,Fax,Mail,Website),the position of company employee、contacts and Email、and company background information(basic information of company、contacts、social account、keyman、information in network )。 If you collected the report, we would update it in time. Details >>

    Country America Import
    Date 20171227
    Consignee VIT LOGISTICS S L      
    Consignee address C/60, NO. 14, SECTOR A, POL. ZONA FRANCA 08040 BARCELONA SPAIN TEL: +34 932 234 293
    Shipper JDB LOGISTICS INC      
    Shipper address 780-A APEX ROAD SARASOTA, FL 34240
    NotifyParty VIT LOGISTICS S L
    Notifier address C/60, NO. 14, SECTOR A, POL. ZONAFRANCA 08040 BARCELONASPAIN TEL: +34 932 234 293
    Loading port TAMPA FL Destination port MIAMI, FL
    Origin america
    Mark & Model -
    Product description 1 CONTAINER 40' HC DRY CIRCUS EQUIPMENT CUSTOMS TARIFF: 9508.10.0000 AES ITN: X20171207736320 FREIGHT PREPAID LADEN ON BOARD 12/10/2017 HS:950810Translation
    Quantity 22 Quantity unit PCS
    Weight 15278 Weight unit LB
    Measurement 0 Measurement unit CF
    B/l number ZIMUORF0749952 Carrier ZIMU
    Vessel name GENOA Voyage 4E
    Analysis of market
    2017.01~2017.12 Trader has imported 1 times. The highest frequency is 1 times in 2017.12, the lowest is 0, which in 2017.01. 2017.02. 2017.03. 2017.04. 2017.05. 2017.06. 2017.07. 2017.08. 2017.09. 2017.10. 2017.11.
    The Buyer in America ,from2017.01 to 2017.12, trading record is 1, And has 1 trade partner.
    • 1
      HS Code
    • 1
    • 0
    • 1
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    Analysis of Origin
    2017.01~2017.12 the goods are made in 1 countries,and 100%goods are made in America.

    Origin charts

    Loading Port Chart
    2017.01~2017.12 the goods exported from trader ports, goods exported from TAMPA FL.

    Port charts

    Discharge Port Chart
    2017.01~2017.12 the goods deliveried 1 ports and 100% goods deliveried MIAMI, FL.

    Port charts

    Trade Partner
    2017.01~2017.12 the trader has trade partners.
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    Transaction Detail