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    Current page location: Home > Answers > Which is best for the country development. Foreign trade or foreign direct investment?
    Mary Chang
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    Which is best for the country development. Foreign trade or foreign direct investment?

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    • Time:2018-09-17 09:25:34
    Which is best for the country development. Foreign trade or foreign direct investment?
    Stella Qi
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    Both are important but according to me  FDI is more necessary thing because FDI is investment in Physical properties like Factory,electricity, drinking water,roads etc and when investment will come in our physical property then it also generate employment.

    And when physical investment is done,after that foreign institutions wiill never Abe to take back it their country.we need quick basic development.If FDI work strong then foreign trade automatically become better.According to me FDI is directly proportional to foreign trade.So for me FDI is best for country.

    #1Floor 2018-09-17 13:17:40 Reply(0)
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