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    Current page location: Home > Answers > Why do most countries import some foods?
    Mary Chang
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    Why do most countries import some foods?

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    • Time:2018-09-21 10:58:59
    Why do most countries import some foods?
    Krise Wu
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    Many factors often affect the likelihood of a country importing food from other countries.

    Some countries give priority to industrialization, not agriculture, so they have products that are valuable to others, and in turn allow them to buy the food they need. Some countries have climate, weather conditions, and even soils that prohibit them from having a stable food supply to feed their civilians, such as the Middle East, where they are rich in natural gas, but their land is mostly arid desert, and there will be a time when it is very difficult to produce crops compared with other countries,

    Making other countries ' prices more feasible and more economical than producing their own products. Some are just plain favorites. Like me, I love strawberries, but I live in a tropical country. There are places where they are planted in the mountains, and recently we have discovered a way to sow strawberries in a tropical climate so that we can lower our demand for strawberries. But this is just strawberry, but what about the blue berries? Or a persimmon?

    But many of the bananas and mangoes we produce are clearly not grown in places like Europe. These are just the reasons why we import food, there are many answers.

    #1Floor 2018-09-21 16:53:01 Reply(0)
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