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    Current page location: Home > Answers > What are some of the problems import/export companies face?
    Ruby Brown
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    What are some of the problems import/export companies face?

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    • Time:2018-10-10 16:16:58
    What are some of the problems import/export companies face?
    Krise Wu
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    Sometimes the goods are in good condition to leave the port, but at the port of discharge, often due to container failure, the goods shipped are damaged. (Water seepage, dust, rust, etc.) this led to a refusal, and no one was easily held responsible.

    Therefore, it is important to do a good job of container investigation before the goods are stuffed and sealed.

    Documents and Certificates- A major problem is to understand the documentary requirements of different countries. A particular consignment may be different to B if it requires a certain type of certificate and document. This often leads to confusion and wrong paper work leading to transport being stuck in the port of destination.

    As a manufacturer of a product, if I am proficient in doing business in a country, it is difficult for me to start working in different countries, without delay, facing file-related problems.

    Logistics Needless to say, logistics plays an important role in international trade, which often becomes the greatest pain when things do not move as intended. This includes delays in loading ports, delays in transshipment, delays in the cancellation of vessels and more such delays. This broke the timetable and caused huge problems for exporters and importers. The main problem is that such delays have never been communicated to the consignee unless required, and often keep their ground lines kept secure with the wrong date. Because of the misinformation of the information, the company could not come up with other plans of action. Many other issues related to logistics are listed above.

    TradeSNS is a platform for foreign traders. We provide custom data in 78 countries. You can search and check custom data for any countries. It is easy to find business partners. And save time to know more foreign traders. TradeSNSthrough the analysis of a large number of data, we discover the logical relationship between people, company, product and custom data. And combine it to develop a powerful engine to achieve one-click search. Enter the keywords in the TradeSNS, you can search for all the people, companies, products, and custom data that are relevant to them, and then sift through the multi-dimensional conditions to find potential buyers.

    #1Floor 2018-10-10 17:37:44 Reply(0)
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