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    Current page location: Home > Answers > Why is trade so important for a country's economic development?
    Feifei Wang
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    Why is trade so important for a country's economic development?

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    • Time:2018-10-25 15:22:07
    Why is trade so important for a country's economic development?
    Xu Guo
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    Trade is important for industrialized countries.

    While some countries are rich in natural resources and can export in which is the case of Brazil exporting commodities for all over the world.

    If you have a strong industry, then you have jobs. If you have good R&D (Research and Development) and creates new technologies it is far from good, because you can export your technology as a product to other nations.

    The better your industry export and have economic trade between nations the better is for your economy, considering that if the people have well paid jobs they have a better quality of life.

    #1Floor 2018-10-25 17:25:13 Reply(0)
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