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    Current page location: Home > Answers > What do you think would happen if the USA stopped all buying and trade for one week with China?
    Kate Brown
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    What do you think would happen if the USA stopped all buying and trade for one week with China?

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    • Time:2018-11-19 15:56:54
    What do you think would happen if the USA stopped all buying and trade for one week with China?
    Krise Wu
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    The sky won't fall down, life goes as usual as if nothing happened in China. The Chinese has been diversifing internationally in preparation for such event. The trade war has been brewing even before the Trump administration. The Chinese wouldn't get caught out of the blue, they're well awake and we'll prepared for such eventuality. America, on the other hand, especially during the holidays season, will feel the price of the made-in China products go up, because they can't find replacement in such a short time. And one of the reason is Trump thought the trade war would be done in matters of days , daydreaming the Chinese would come back as he wishes. Self indulgencing in his dreams in the la la land, losing touch with reality, with the real world we're living today.

    #1Floor 2018-11-19 17:37:24 Reply(0)
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