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    Shelly King
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    What is social network analysis?

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    • Time:2018-09-07 09:14:15
    What is social network analysis?
    Stella Qi
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    Yes, we're just talking about connections and relationships between people, but from this simple concept much more complex systems can arise.

    Intuition.  Boy loves girls.  That is two nodes with a directed arc connecting them.  If it is unrequited love, that gives one dynamic.  If girl loves boy as well, then you have a bidirectional edge between two nodes, with a different dynamic.  Add another girl who loves the boy.  Classical love triangle with inherent instability leading to all sorts of complications.

    With larger networks we can tackle questions of influence, idea propagation, resilience, etc.

    Think of it as a mix of sociology and graph theory.

    #1Floor 2018-09-07 09:51:15 Reply(0)
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