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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > 7 Tips For Selecting the Best Small Business Brokers to Sell Your Business
    7 Tips For Selecting the Best Small Business Brokers to Sell Your Business
    Browse volume:243 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-11-19 14:51:09

    Are you thinking about selling your business? Have you ever gone through the process before? Are you confidant that you can do it yourself? Where would your time be better spent, running your business at peak performance while trying to sell it, or focused on the advertising campaign, networking, negotiating, and coordinating the closure of the sale of your business? Maybe you should consider doing what you do best, running the business, and search out small business brokers and let them do what they do best, sell businesses. If you go that route, here are 7 tips to choosing a business broker that makes sense for you.

    1. Don't get lost in the shuffle

    You want your broker to have a proven record and a great reputation but you don't want the organization to be so big that your deal is passed off to a junior staffer. You want the active involvement of the principals.

    2. Do your due diligence

    You're about to engage the services of someone that is going to have a big impact on your financial life. Make sure you are comfortable with the relationship. Check with the International Business Brokers Association and see if your broker is a member in good standing. Follow up on the references provided and determine just how satisfied past clients are. Check with your local better business bureau and see if there are any unresolved complaints.

    3. Use a specialist

    Real estate agents and other professionals sometimes hold themselves out as business brokers on a part time basis. You want someone who makes their entire living selling businesses full time. Preferably somebody who has experience in your particular industry and someone who can point to successful sales they have made for your competitors.

    4. Avoid heavy up front fee structures

    Typically a business broker will charge between 10% and 15% of the sale price as a fee. While it is customary for them to ask for some up front fees to initiate the process, avoid those brokers who are looking for greater than a third. Also make sure that the up front fee is deductible from the sales fee when the business sells. Following this advice will save you from having to invest a ton of cash before you actually sell the business.

    5. Only contract for the business selling services

    Smaller business brokers will offer accounting and legal services that you will need during closing for an additional fee and these services are typically outsourced by the broker. It may be to your advantage to contract for those services directly leaving the broker with only the requirement to focus on the selling process and not generating add on fees.

    6. Share your expectations

    Before you select a broker you should have at least a general idea of what you want to accomplish by selling your business. You should have a rough valuation number and you should know if you want a cash sale or stock. Share this with the broker and see if he agrees with your plan. While there probably will be differences in valuation, your broker should be in tune with the rest of your objectives. If he's reluctant or believes that it will be difficult to achieve your goals, find another broker.

    7. Keep the whole process confidential

    The last thing you want to do is let the word that you are seeking a business broker or that you are in negotiations with a buyer leak out. Once it becomes common knowledge that you are selling, your relationships with your employees, customers, vendors and bankers could be adversely affected. Have an exit plan for after the sale that includes sharing the news with all those listed above.

    Using business brokers to help sell a business is usually the smart route to take for any business of substance. You want your organization to have as much "curb appeal" as possible during the process and that means you should be focusing your time on optimizing the business not chasing down buyers.

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