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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > How to Start an Import Export Business From Home
    How to Start an Import Export Business From Home
    Browse volume:354 | Reply:0 | Release time:2019-03-29 09:34:04

      Import export or an international trade is nothing new; instead it is almost as old as the human civilization itself. Starting from the prehistoric age culture of selling goods from tribes to tribes to the middle age culture of the silk route to the present day culture of outsourcing and international open market... import export business is always important for maintaining a sound economy.


      Are you like several thousand people who love an international trade and want to give it a shot but do not simply because of the fear of the unknown? Well, business is all about that. And it always pays the best to the most risk taker. Still not convinced? Let's present you some statistics.

      The US is the 2nd largest business entity in the world that dealt with approx $2439700000000 worth of trade with about 150 countries in the world only in 2009. But here is the truly amazing part. According to the US department of Commerce, big corporate giants constitute only 4% of this industry. So the remaining 96% has to be controlled by people like you, if you accept the challenge.

      How to Start from Home

      With the internet, it's easy today to start such a business from today. There are a few steps to it, the first of them being: learn a bit more. A good homework and import export training always results in the best. Go through commerce and economics materials (at least for a light-reading). When done, your next job is to register your business with the government. 
    Then obtain the appropriate trade license. This job, though tedious, may be essential, so look into the matter and do your research on import export course to know about the right licensing to avoid double-work.

      Now is the time to open a business bank account. You may also need a funding. If not (or when done) choose and buy an accounting software, design your business logo, legal advising, buy, create and design your own website etc. and other services. It is also best to choose the product to trade and research out all about the duties, licensing, taxes and import export regulations.

      It is always a good import export advice to gather as much information about something before participating in that. Like all other things in life, this is also true for international trade. Also the import export business is not for everyone.

      Unorganized, lazy people who just want to make some quick money are not welcome for this trade and will end up being poorer than before. This is the kind of profession that is for the enthusiasts, potential salespersons and people able to take calculated risks. If in addition you love the thrill of dealing with people from different countries and cultures, this may be the ideal job for you.

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    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07