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    what I have achieved in 2012
    Browse volume:110 | Reply:0 | Release time:2013-04-22 11:04:29

    I didn't visit this blog for a long long time, and I just read the blog that I wrote last year, and it was wrote on 15 Jan-2012. Now, I would like to share what I have achieved last year, I had dreams that I want to get my own camera & laptop, I had made it come true, I did fllow my plan, and did make it. In addition, I bought new cell phone and set up my own online shopping store, though it is not satify with the sales figures, and I believe that it will become more and more amazing.

    Another dream is that make a visit to HK or Macao, but I didn't make it, one thing is I didn't get the passport another thing was too busy.

    In a word, I had try to do everything I can do make my dream come ture.

    I would like to say, 2013, I will work much harder.

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