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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > A Lesson in Import Export Trade For Beginners
    A Lesson in Import Export Trade For Beginners
    Browse volume:276 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-06-05 17:15:44

     Import and export are ways to improve one’s life forever. Usually, a person wants to start a business in this field, but not because of lack of sufficient knowledge and expertise. They are beginners and needs to understand the way the business world export and import patterns. This article will explain the basic concepts, models and terminology of this industry.

     Basic concepts

     Imports refer to the supply of products (or services) from one's own country to another, while exports refer to the provision of products (or services) from the country to any other person.

     Trading is the basic need and development of society, because by default, a region or group or culture can not produce everything. Thus, this type of business is not new; in fact, it can be traced back to the advent of human civilization, even though it has become more complex through years of civilization.

     The introduction of modern technology and science makes it possible even to import and export from the furthest corners of the world. For example, imagine modern life without perfume from Paris, Korean, Chinese and Japanese electronics, German beer, cotton from Egypt and Alaska bananas. In just one year, the U.S. imports and exports amounted to $1.2 trillion, equivalent to 150 countries.

     International Trade Model

     There are several economic import-export business models that describe or attempt to describe international trade. One of the most popular is the Richardian model, which focuses on comparative advantage, where countries specialize in goods. It also says that the labor force is the only major input into production. Other models are the regard Heckscher-Olin model, which focuses on the production of specific commodity productivity. Others are new trade theories and gravitational models. 


     Even seasoned internet entrepreneurs are puzzled by the technical jargon that economists often use in business, let alone novices. Imports and exports are such a sector, including some foreign people, but the basic terms, such as usability (find a good probability in any one place), manufacturing representatives (professional sales staff Line/type products), distributors and wholesale dealers (an organization to buy your stuff and sell it to each other), represent (sell the product dealer), the retailer (the end of the business chain) and others.

     All types of import and export companies are export management companies or EMC (for domestic companies for overseas business), export trading companies (i.e. looking for foreign buyers willing to buy products, then find a domestic organization to make the product, then they export) and import and export traders, who are free agents, that entrepreneur.

     Recently I found that not only tangible goods can be imported or exported or exported or imported services, in other words, your knowledge can change the way you focus on your professional operators. I decided to divide the article into two parts.

     Let's start with the first part. Tangible product export: The most important thing you have to do is to understand your product and find out what market needs your products if you are competitive by studying your competitors.

     In this process, it is not so important to ask yourself which is the best way to send your products to your customers. If the importer often or occasionally imports a good quantity of goods, the terms of negotiations to be developed are different.

     In the first, the importer will choose how to send the goods because there are trading products and shipping companies he can get a better price, which is not the case if he just does it once in this case, the best is to see who gets the best price for the goods.

     In order to complete this section, I would recommend that you have a good understanding of all the customs regulations, otherwise you will be delayed in international business, such as the cancellation of contracts, the fine damages and other monetary consequences. 

    Part II

     Service exports: Service exports are not a well-known activity because the government does not have regulations that allow them to assemble information and some statistical data. Examples of services that people export are an ebook or software sold on the Internet. Countries like the United States are becoming a big industry, people are getting a lot of money, and India and other countries also have great opportunities.

     In recent years, India has become one of the most important software development countries, in fact, many software development companies are outsourcing with Indian companies, we can say the same thing, Pakistan who is becoming the leader of web design in the absence of Pakistan, to provide people with a web design message.

     Another kind of exportable service is the transfer of consumers to their country of export two good examples are that when universities admit that their academic programs have students from other countries, hospitals or doctors recognize their expertise in treating certain diseases. The above has brought two important things to the exporting countries. The first thing to do is to cultivate a good level of education and innovation, in this particular field, the second is that these students and patients spend money, and they help the economy in the countryside.

     Finally, the last example of a service that can be exported is to temporarily transfer a person to another country to provide a service. Telecommunications companies, engineers and doctors or anyone can export this service, for example, when a doctor travels three times in a different country or engineer, needs an integrated machine or expert in a field that is to hire a company to help them.

     The start of import exports requires some import export training and some import export advice. TradeSNS is The new platform of SNS & cross-border e-commerce to help foreign trader accurately and quickly find target customers! It through the analysis of a large number of data, we discover the logical relationship between people, company, product and customs data. And combine it to develop a powerful engine to achieve one-click search. Enter the keywords in the TradeSNS, you can search for all the people, companies, products, and customs data that are relevant to them, and then sift through the multi-dimensional conditions to find potential buyers.

    The new man on the field will remember this very well.


    This has brought benefits to both exporting and importing countries. Finally, States should be concerned about the development of a mechanism to help them to control and increase exports of tangible products, and not only to develop services for the education system, but also to provide good financial resources to the economy.

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