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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Aluminum plastic recycling machine
    Aluminum plastic recycling machine
    Browse volume:541 | Reply:0 | Release time:2021-09-07 17:55:08

    As the name suggests, aluminum plastic recycling machine is designed for processing various aluminum plastic composite materials.

    aluminum plastic recycling machine

    The process of aluminum plastic recycling machine is very simple. 


    Using a shredder to shred these materials into small pieces. 

    2. Grinding

    Using a grinding mill to grind these pieces into powder about 24-26 mesh. 


    Process of aluminum plastic recycling machine

    3. Sieving

    Using a eddy-vibrating screen to check the size of powder. Those powder over 26 mesh will be stopped by screen, and sent back to the grinding mill to get further grinding. 

    4. Electrostatic separation

    Using an electrostatic separator to separate aluminum powder and plastic powder. The principle of electrostatic separator is using the different conductivities of metal and non-metal in a magnetic field. So the purity of aluminum powder is 99%.

    If you are not sure whether the materials you have are application to aluminum plastic recycling machine due to the variety, welcome to contact us - Henan Doing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

    WhatsApp/Wechat/Phone: 0086-150-3713-8562

    Email: market@doinggroup.com

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