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    Browse volume:141 | Reply:1 | Release time:2008-07-19 14:39:38
    Subject: We Help You To Win In India !!! Hello friend, Please delete this mail if you already have your branch or subsidiary office in India . If you don't , then read on for something very exciting or press 'delete' at your own risk ! You must be aware that India is probably going to be the fastest growing market for Electronics products in the next 5 years . Wouldn't it be exciting to register double digit growth in the fastest growing market ? Specially when huge markets like Europe and America are slowing down !! But, India is complex --- 25 languages , different religions , practices , laws and regulations ! Consumer behaviour and preferences are so unique ! And good management resource is getting so expensive and difficult to get !! Is it all sounding too risky ?? Isn't there any way you can de-risk the whole approach and yet ensure the double digit growth in the Indian market ? YES ... We in Sea Gull Enterprise provide exactly this service . We are very aware of the difficulties foreign companies , specially SME s , face in tapping the Indian market . Our aim is to provide the vital Link to enable you to profitably explore this land of opportunities . Please do spend a few minutes to visit our website http://www.seagull.co.in . We shall be delighted to hear from you , after which it will be our pleasure to explore how best we can serve your interest . With kind regards , Arindam Ganguli Founder , SeaGull Enterprise
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    2008-08-04 08:45:41