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    Tradesns Foreign Trade Community
    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Copper wire recycling machine
    Copper wire recycling machine
    Browse volume:572 | Reply:0 | Release time:2021-07-06 11:44:59

    Copper wire recycling machine is a device that mainly processes waste cables and wires, and then extracts copper and plastic. It is also called copper wire granulator machine.

    The raw materials are mainly cables and wires that we can see in our daily lives, such as copper wires, telephone wires, copper-plastic composite wires, etc. It is easy to operate and only requires 4 steps.

    The first step is shredding. Waste cables and wires will be cut into small pieces by the shredder. The second step of the copper cables recycling machine is crushing. These small pieces are further broken. Then, the iron should be removed by a magnetic separator. In this way, there is no need to remove iron in the next step. Next, they will be sent into the air separator for air separation. Then they will be divided into copper and plastic.

    Since some cables and wires are completely broken, and the difference in specific gravity is similar, the air separator cannot separate them. Therefore, this will require the last step: electrostatic separation. It classifies them according to different objects in the magnetic field. Then, you can get high quality copper and plastic from the copper cable recycling machine.

    Through our device, you can obtain copper and plastic with a purity of up to 99%. In addition, our equipment also has a pulse dust removal system. All materials are processed in this closed device.

    By using the copper cable recycling machine, high-purity copper and plastic can be obtained, and then the maximum profit can be obtained.

    Contact address:

    WhatsApp/Wechat/Phone: 0086-150-3713-8562

    Email: market@doingroup.com


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