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    Tradesns Foreign Trade Community
    Current page location: Home Page > Article > How to Start a Small Business in North Carolina, USA
    How to Start a Small Business in North Carolina, USA
    Browse volume:195 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-10-12 16:11:13

    Are you looking to start a small business in North Carolina? Not sure where to find resources on business plans, marketing plans, financing and other general small business information on, a good place to start is a few of the following local sites:

    1. North Carolina Chamber of Commerce Site

    If you go to nccommerce.com you will find a variety of helpful information for starting a small business. Just click on the business services and then choose start your business. Here you can find such helpful information such as a start up checklist, information about business licenses and permits, choosing your legal structure, forms, and information about hiring employees. There are also frequently asked questions for doing business in North Carolina.

    2. Small Business and Technology Development Center

    How would you like to find out more about economic stimulus packages? How about local events on business planning? How about finding ways to finance your business? There are a variety of sources and useful information available on this site at sbtdc.com You can also find out information about export development and international business. There is also an upcoming Rural Development Fund. North Carolina has opportunities in vacation and recreational properties and locally produced goods and services.

    The North Carolina Biotechnology Center has even awarded a 100k to fund growth in the natural biotechnology sector. The International Institute for Natural Biotechnology and Integrative Medicine is a new develop that would help develop some of North Carolina's natural biotechnology sources. There are some great success stories.

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    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07