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    • Yunnan Nanbao Phytochemical Engineering Co.,Ltd Follow
    • 5 TengXiao Road,Yuxi New&high Tech industry zone,Yunnan Province,China
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns

    Sell Organic Insecticide
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    Yunnan Nanbao Phytochemical Engineering Co.,Ltd
    China Yunnan Yuxi
    51 - 100 People
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    Pyrethrins-based insecticide

    Our insecticides are pyrethrins-based products. The mixture pesticides are pyrethrins with other high-effective botanical pesticides. They are highly co-effective with good proportion. They have wider spectrum of activity against pests than pyrethrins only, and they are good in both rapid action and killing effect. Some ingredients in the plant extract have neural toxicity, stomach toxicity, repellence, growth inhibition? function or induction to the insects, and they act on more than one functional sites of the insects. So the products have integrated controlling effect, and the risk of resistance development is very low. The products may be used safely on vegetables, crops, ornamentals and green-house for pest control.

    1Pyrethrins 1.5% (dual function)

    Active ingredient: Pyrethrins

    Target pests: (for public health) Mosquito, Fly, Flea, Ant, Tick and bug

    (for crop protection) Aphid, Cabbage worm, Hopper, Fly, Thrips, etc on crop


    Active ingredients: Pyrethrins, Toosendanin

    Target pests: Green leaf-hopper (Jacobiasca formosana Paoli) on tea tree

    Plant-hopper on rice (Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furci fera)


    Active ingredients: Pyrethrins, Rotenone

    Target pests: White fly, Mite, Thrip, Aphid, Bug, etc.


    Active ingredient: Pyrethrins, Matrine

    Target pests: Aphid, Beetle, Caterpillars like Beet army worm, Cotton boll worm, Cabbage maggot, etc.


    Active ingredient: Rotenone

    Target pests: Striped cucumber beetle, Potato flea beetle, Cabbage flea beetle; Whitefly, Rosy apple aphid, Potato aphid, Grape leafhopper.

    6OsTurf (powdery mildew)

    Active ingredient: Osthole 1.2%

    Target diseases: Powdery mildew on melon, Cucumber, Wheat, Grape, etc. (Saerotheca figenea (Schlecht) Poll., Podosphaera leucotricha, Erysiphe graminis, Polaris graminis f. Sp.)

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