CNC System for Lathe - TradeSNS


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    • Chengdu GREAT CNC Industrial CO.LTD Follow
    • shiling town, chengdu city, China
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns

    CNC System for Lathe
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    • 人民幣 0.00-0.00/1(Minimal Quantities 30000.000001)
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    Chengdu GREAT CNC Industrial CO.LTD
    China Sichuan Chengdu
    51 - 100 People
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      Quick Details
    GTEAT-150ITJ -II

    Function characteristics:

    *Controllable axis: 2 axes
    *Linkage axes: 2 axes
    *32MB user memory space
    *Resolution 640 x480, 7.7” monochromatic LCD display
    *Industrial grade DSP , FPGA motion control kernel
    *Real-time and all round self-diagnosis function, real-time display all status of system
    *Metric and inch input mode
    *Machine axes return to reference point
    *Linear interpolation, arc interpolation, thread interpolation instructions, which can turnmetric and inch single-thread/multiple –thread, taper thread, surface thread, variable pitch thread, continual thread
    *Multiple Compound cycle instructions , such as excircle rough turned compound cycle , head face rough turned compound cycle ,complex type outline rough turned compound cycle ,head face hole compound cycle of chip drilling, outer diameter/bore diameter /grooving compound cycle, thread cutting compound cycle etc
    *Auto backlash and storage pitch error compensation, tool auto compensation function ,tool nose radius C compensation function of all axes
    *Setting max speed ,acceleration/deceleration separately
    *Program unit meric and inch shift are available
    *Auxiliary axis angle ,displacement programming setting
    *Multiple groups of coordinates setting
    *Soft/hardward limit function
    *Max 99 tools management
    *English/Chinese interface shift
    *Display current time ,on time ,single-piece time ,machining time
    *Interpolation instructions function and M,S,T function etc
    *Program pretreat and smooth engagement of program blocks
    *Parameter, software backup and upgrade function
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