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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Your Business and B2B Marketplace - Buy, Sell, Promote
    Your Business and B2B Marketplace - Buy, Sell, Promote
    Browse volume:214 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-10-15 09:52:04

    B2B Marketplace- An alternative name for a comprehensive business directory whose membership is made up of buyers and sellers. Traders often flock to an international business directory (in simple terms, a b2b website) that gives them access to newer and numerous markets than locally available.

    Why your Business needs a B2B Marketplace?- If someone offered you an amazing business solution- reliable and 24x7 access to a wide range of prospective trade partners, fully automated and streamlined approach to buying and selling, significant reduction in your buying and selling overheads and an exponential increment in your ROI. Would you take such an option? What kind of business minded trader will refuse such an offer? Membership on a professional business directory equates to all this and more.

    Wait, there's more- Your b2b marketplace helps you avoid huge expenses in setting up a sales and marketing infrastructure, no need to employ a dedicated team of sales professionals nor invest in hardware and software components that help in your Sales and Marketing efforts.

    What's the Problem? - The b2b marketplace operates over the internet. Are you not comfortable conducting business over this media? Note that the internet has leveled the playing field between your business and that large corporation that sells the same products or services as you do. Members of the business directory identify your business for its quality and advantages in pricing. Why say NO to that? In terms of Investment versus returns, the b2b marketplace is your best marketing bet.

    Read some Stats; agree with the Facts- Currently, Forester Research estimates that roughly 80% of buyers and sellers utilise some form of online medium to assist them in their Sales and Marketing efforts. Of this, roughly 60% utilize the services of a b2b marketplace. AMR Research expects that by 2014, about $3 trillion in business will be directly affected by b2b marketplaces. What does this mean for your business? You have an established chance, as part of a good business directory, to capture a sizable portion of your overall sales from the b2b marketplace while simultaneously profiting from the likely exodus of your fellow buyers and sellers onto these lucrative platforms.

    More Savings, More Profits- Analysts predict that b2b marketplaces will help Companies save anywhere from $180 to $480 billion in operational costs annually. A very easily perceivable difference will be felt by businesses that invest their time and energies trying to perform as part of a good business directory- the losers will be buyers who fail to profit from the choice of lower purchasing rates, and sellers who don't have the options to sell at higher rates than locally available margins, simply because they aren't part of the b2b marketplace. Time to move is now!

    B2B Marketplaces are here to Stay- The encouraging pointer in the b2b marketplace saga is that its fortunes are directly dependent on the developments in the reach and accessibility of the Internet. And it's no secret that the 'World Wide Web' is growing rapidly to snare more of the World's people and giving them reliable options to conduct their lives online. Businesses too are serious about their online presence- What business can afford to ignore the greatest universal platform wherein open speech is encouraged, skilled marketing is welcome and all their prospective trade partners and customers are neatly arranged according to individual requirements and availability.

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