Orchard Company Limited_Organic (freshwater) fishery products,Katla (Catla catla),Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus),Carfu (Cyprinus carpio),Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala),Rohu (Labeo rohita),Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus),Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus),Snakehead Murrel (Channa striata),Snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis)_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS


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    • Orchard Company Limited Follow
    • Organic (freshwater) fishery products,Katla (Catla catla),Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus),Carfu (Cyprinus carpio),Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala),Rohu (Labeo rohita),Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus),Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus),Snakehead Murrel (Channa striata),Snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis)
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Kuei·Hsiang
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:95-9-5137122
    • Fax:65
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        Richie·Zhang TONLY Sales Director
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      2. No.11, 11 Street, Lanmadaw Township,, Yangon, Myanmar
      2. No(44), 1st floor, 10 street, Lanmadaw, Yangon, Myanmar
      2. Jl. Irian V Blok MM-2 Kawasan Industri MM-2100 Cibitung, Bekasi, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia
      1. Thiplao ltd
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    About Us

    ORCHARD COMPANY LIMITED, one of the Myanmar's leading fish producers, was established on 12th April 1994 with 100% Myanmar citizen investment.

    Our Company has 2,350 acres of fish farm and 5 departments with 128 employees.

    Our company has Own Broodstock, Own Hatchery, Own Nursery Pond, Own Growout farm in Natural Environment of Nyaungdone Island in AYERWADDY division.

    ORCHARD COMPANY LIMITED has been utilizing the quality control system which complies ORGANIC FISHERY PRODUCTS with good aquaculture Practice (GAP) and Good Manufacture Practice (GMP). Our fish farm is only 28 miles from YANGON and only one hour drive.

    Our fish products are Organic Products and also called ECO-LEVELLING because we only use RAIN WATER and NATURAL FOOD such as ARTEMIA, MOINA,TUBIFAX, ZOO PLANKTON and PHYTOPLANKTON.

    Culturing period is 3 years and stocking density is 200 pieces per acre. Our fish farm is in Nyaungdone Island, surrounded by branches of AYERWADDY River.

    The Nyaungdone Island covers 197,000 acres in which the fish farm occupies 40,000 acres and the rest are paddy fields.

    In this Island, there is no industrial factory. So there is no industries hazard of air-pollution and water-pollution.

    We enclosure the Microbiological and Chemical results from Export and Import Quality control laboratory, Department of Fisheries, Myanmar.

    Our Fish Farm is located in Google map of Pointer 1651'53.17"N 9546'07.52"E.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
    • Scale of Company:
      51 - 100 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      1-2.5 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      No Provide
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      Organic (freshwater) fishery products,Katla (Catla catla),Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus),Carfu (Cyprinus carpio),Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala),Rohu (Labeo rohita),Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus),Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus),Snakehead Murrel (Channa striata),Snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis)
    • Export Markets:
      Mid East:100.00%
    Company Certificate
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